Android 4.4 is the latest update from Google for its Android running devices. This update is also known as “Kitkat” bringing several new features to smartphones and tablets but as of now it is officially available on for few devices including Google’s own Nexus and Moto X. Other brands are still to port the update to their smartphones. However, it will be only available for the latest few flagship smartphones from all brands. So today we bring you a CyanogenMod 11 Custom ROM based on Android 4.4 kitkat for your Samsung Galaxy S which is never going to get the Kitkat update officially as it is very old device. So if you want you can update the device right now to Kitkat 4.4 using this Custom ROM. Simply hit the download and get the firmware package on your desktop. If you want you can also follow the step by step process provided here for flashing the ROM. Download Kitkat 4.4 for Samsung Galaxy S
Save Games
Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age Save Game Download
Kane Dane -
Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age is a role playing game developed by Square Enix. This game contains a lot of new quality gameplay...