Download YouWave Android Emulator for Windows

Wondering if you could get to play your favourite android game in your computer without being an android OS? You can now actually get access to the android apps with the help of YouWave. YouWave lets the user to use the android apps in PC even if you do not connect it to the android handset. YouWave consist of a simulator in the form of SD card to store your games. Youcan also challenge your friends in the multiplayer game online.

You can download the YouWave and use it very easily. Also get the virtual box for your pc. Download and install it in you pc so as to use the YouWave emulator. Get the YouWave downloaded and use all the apps in the android mobile. To use it in a better way get the settings changed and other things using APK and Google ID. It also includes the tactile keyboard of the mobile, which is the app that fascinates to the users. The whole application works perfectly but on the other hand it is considered just an update of the well-known VirtualBox.

YouWave is not really a new thing. There are other emulators that people already use. Like the PSX Emulator to use Play station. Once you get the games you can use your keyboard to play game. It is interactive to use and not very hard to install and play the game.

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