Konami released the 9th episode of Action packed game series Metal Gear on January 9th named as “Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance”. The game is now available for PlayStation 3, PC and Xbox. Earlier we posted 100% completed save game for this game for Console version which can be downloaded from here. Here i’m attaching the +4 Game Trainer for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance that offers you many new stuffs which are very useful in the gameplay. It is a kind of cheat that offers you unlimited health, unlimited Blade Mode, unlimited weapons and ammo, stealth mode, super damage, and lots more including all missions unlocked. I know if you are a gamer, you wont like to use cheat but if you are stuck somewhere or lost your progress save, than this is very helpful because you can very quickly reach the mission where you were earlier and then disable the trainer. And then you can continue your normal gameplay. If you want you can download the same from here by hitting the download button just once and save the file on your desktop. Although there is a Read Me file provided in the package, if you face any more problem with the trainer, feel free to use the comment box.
Save Games
Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age Save Game Download
Kane Dane -
Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age is a role playing game developed by Square Enix. This game contains a lot of new quality gameplay...