Download Enemy Front Save Game

Enemy Front is an Action packed War game developed by CI Games. This First-Person  Shooter takes us in World War 2 behind Nazi lines where need to battle with, obviously, Nazi in France and Germany. The gameplay is indeed amazing with better graphics. We as the lead role must perform sabotage missions to prevent a destructive weapon track day and eventually change the course of the war. By saying lead role, i actually mean “Robert Hawkins” who is an American war correspondent. I have completed the game and thought to share my 100% completed save game here so that it can help others who playing Enemy Front on their PCs. If you are the one and got stuck somewhere in the game, dont worry, just download the save files from here and past it to your save folder. Also remember to backup your original save files before replacing it with this downloaded one, so that in case anything goes wrong, you will atleast have your original game safe. BTW, after downloading you will have to put it in  C:\Users\your user name\Saved Games folder.

Enemy Front save game[wpdm_file id=347 template=”bluebox ” ]